Get involved and have your say
Council consults with the community on a regular basis to gain feedback and ideas on a range of issues and projects affecting Mosman.
This site enables you to share your views on matters currently being considered by Council. Depending on the subject, there may also be opportunities to have your say through public meetings, focus groups, surveys, written submissions, workshops, roundtables, community committees, and other engagement activities.
We encourage you to get involved and have your say.
Access to information
Please note that any submissions (including personal information in the submission such as the identifying particulars of the writer) made to Council are deemed to be for the purpose of public process and will be available for public inspection in accordance with Council's Access to Information Policy.
Council will give consideration to the 'public interest' and requests for confidentiality by submitters in determining access to submission letters. However, the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act may, after due process, result in submissions marked confidential by the writer being released to an applicant.
Council consults with the community on a regular basis to gain feedback and ideas on a range of issues and projects affecting Mosman.
This site enables you to share your views on matters currently being considered by Council. Depending on the subject, there may also be opportunities to have your say through public meetings, focus groups, surveys, written submissions, workshops, roundtables, community committees, and other engagement activities.
We encourage you to get involved and have your say.
Access to information
Please note that any submissions (including personal information in the submission such as the identifying particulars of the writer) made to Council are deemed to be for the purpose of public process and will be available for public inspection in accordance with Council's Access to Information Policy.
Council will give consideration to the 'public interest' and requests for confidentiality by submitters in determining access to submission letters. However, the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act may, after due process, result in submissions marked confidential by the writer being released to an applicant.
Have your say!
Live Projects
- Community Grants Program 2024/25 (Evaluation)
- Imagine Mosman 2035
- Draft Code of Meeting Practice
- Draft Expenses and Facilities Policies for Mayor, Councillors and General Manager
- Draft Balmoral Reserves Plan of Management
- Outdoor Dining – “Washoku” – Shop 4 Myahgah Mews
- Proposal for Resident Parking Scheme in Art Gallery Way
Archived Projects
- What's your big idea?
- Draft MOSPLAN Revised 2018-2021 Delivery Program and draft 2019-2020 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges
- Community Grants Program 2019/20
- Roads Act 1993 Consent (Section 138) – 24 Coronation Avenue, Mosman
- Notice of proposal to give consent to a lease of Community land at Harnett Park – Mosman Rowers Club
- Goods Display Application – 874 Military Road, Mosman
- Roads Act 1993 Consent (Section 138) – 57 Parriwi Rd, Mosman
- Draft Code of Meeting Practice
- Draft Mosman Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Mosman Occasional Childcare Centre
- Bridgepoint Pedestrian Bridge
- Clifton Gardens Accessible Ramp
- Involving the Community in Planning – Mosman Draft Community Participation Plan
- Roads Act 1993 Consent (Section 138) – 13 Water Lane, Mosman
- Outdoor Dining - Extension to Approved Area – 76 Middle Head Rd, Mosman - The Buena Hotel
- Balmoral Oval (Former Pippies Childcare Site) Restoration
- Notice of proposal to give consent to a lease of Community land at Harnett Park
- Citizen of the Year Nominations 2020
- Bridgepoint Pedestrian Bridge - Voluntary Planning Agreement (re-exhibition)
- Memory Park Playground fencing
- Plan of Management – Reid Park, Sirius Cove Reserve, Harnett Park and Curraghbeena Park
- Creating a Better Mosman for Over 55s
- Proposed road closing under Section 38B of the Roads Act 1993 – Musgrave Street
- Mosman Active Transport Strategy (MATS)
- Slow Down trial
- Wyong Road Cycle and Pedestrian Improvements
- Bradleys Head Road – New Pedestrian Footpath and Boardwalk to Athol Hall
- Draft MOSPLAN Revised 2018-2021 Delivery Program and draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges
- Road Reserves Sale, Lease and Consent Policy
- Proposed Changes to Mosman’s Development Control Plans
- Roads Act Consent (S138-139) 71 Parriwi Road, Mosman
- Child Safety Policy
- Expressions of Interest - Mosman Drill Hall
- Outdoor Dining Application – 1/914 Military Road – Cali Press Cafe
- Evaluations open - Community Grants Program 2020/21
- Draft Mosman Local Housing Strategy
- Mosman Council Public Domain Manual
- Mosman Scenic Protection Area
- Proposed traffic changes - Shadforth/Canrobert Street Intersection
- Removal of Bus Stop on Prince Albert Street, near Thompson Street
- Driveway Lines - Proposal to Recoup the Cost of Installing Driveway Lines
- Citizen of the Year Nominations 2021
- Outdoor Dining Application – 3-5 Myahgah Road – The Hunter Wine Bar
- Notice of Proposal to Give Consent to Lease of Community Land – 2C Alexander Avenue, Mosman
- Roads Act Consent (S138-139) 45 Parriwi Road, Mosman
- Draft Climate Strategy and Action Plan
- Balmoral Promenade Lighting Improvements
- Valuing inclusion in Mosman
- Draft MOSPLAN Revised 2018-2022 Delivery Program and draft 2021-2022 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges
- Evaluation Form - Community Grants Program 2021/22
- Outdoor Dining Application – 11A The Esplanade – Kazzi Beach Greek
- Balmoral Baths – Proposed lease of restaurant, kiosk and storage
- Spofforth Street/Holt Avenue Intersection - North Sydney Council Proposal
- Beach Lane – Continuous Footpath Treatment
- Notification of proposal to close a Council public road - Part of Parriwi Road, Mosman adjoining 71 Parriwi Road
- Hamlet Lane Traffic Management
- Balmoral Boatshed – Proposed lease extension
- Renewal of various leases of unformed roadway (Sections 149 and 153 of the Roads Act 1993)
- Imagine Mosman 2032
- Postcards from the Future
- Evaluations open - Mosman Council Grant 2020/21 to Glen Innes/Severn Council
- Pedestrian Safety Upgrades at Hamlet Lane
- Mosman Square and Village Green upgrade
- Mosman Scenic Protection Area - Planning Proposal
- Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2021-2025
- Plan of Management – Reid Park, Sirius Cove Reserve, Harnett Park and Curraghbeena Park
- Proposed Motorcycle Parking on The Esplanade
- What does inclusion mean to you?
- Citizen of the Year Nominations 2022
- Miscellaneous Amendments - Planning Proposal
- Clifford Street Angle Parking
- Expressions of Interest - Community Consultative Committees
- Zoological Parks Board – Call for nominees
- Cyprian Street – Proposed Parking Modifications
- Expenses and Facilities Policies for Mayor, Councillors and General Manager
- Cowles Road Parking Modification
- Expressions of Interest - Climate Action Community Consultative Committee
- Expressions of Interest - Visual Amenity Community Consultative Committee
- Notification of reclassification of operational land as community land – Little Curraghbeena Reserve, Musgrave Street
- Curlew Camp Road Parking Modifications
- Cardinal Street - Installation of Median Island Between the Children's Crossing and Military Road
- Section 138/139 Roads Act 1993 Consent Application – Part of Ida Avenue unformed road reserve at rear of 8 Pearl Bay Avenue, Mosman
- Renewal of various leases of unformed roadway - Section 153 Roads Act 1993
- Draft Code of Meeting Practice
- Mosman Contributions Plan 2022
- Community Grants Program 2022/23
- Crown Land - Parriwi Park and Spit Reserve
- Proposed Parking Restrictions on Plunkett Road, Coronation Avenue and Wolseley Road
- Employment Zones
- Proposed Alcohol Free Zone
- Climate Action Plan - Resilience and Adaptation Strategy
- Crown land lease and licence - Rawson Park
- Spit East Reserve – Marine Rescue NSW
- Draft Community Engagement Strategy
- Outdoor Dining Application – Ogenki Japanese Restaurant - 713 Military Road
- Myahgah Road – Proposed Parking Restrictions
- Hunter Park Upgrades and Inclusive Playground
- Citizen of the Year Nominations 2023
- Roads Act Consent Application – 41 and 43 Hale Road, Mosman
- Licence Renewal – Sydney Harbour Kayaks – Spit East Reserve
- Section 153 Roads Act 1993 Lease Renewals
- Draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy
- Mulbring Street - Proposed no stopping restriction
- Punch Street - Proposed Parking Restrictions
- Section 138 Roads Act Consent – 41 Carrington Avenue
- Mosman Walking & Cycling Strategy 2022 - 2027
- Mosman Rowing Club, Pearl Bay, Parriwi Park
- Draft (revised) MOSPLAN Delivery Program 2022-2026 (incorporating a review of the 2022-2032 Long Term Financial Plan), and draft 2023-2024 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges
- Mosman Bay Marina – Harnett Park
- Spofforth Street Parking Proposal
- Wudgong Street Parking Proposal
- Community Grants Program 2023/24 (evaluations)
- Rosebery Street Parking Proposal
- Outdoor Dining Application – Beanie M Café
- Spofforth/Brierley St Parking Proposal
- Myahgah Rd - Crossing Upgrade
- Belmont/Bardwell Rds Roundabout Upgrade
- Outdoor Dining – Don Adan Coffee – Amendment
- Ruby Street- Proposal to Install No Stopping Restriction
- Mosman Park – Crown lands
- Allan Border Oval Pavilion
- Roads Act consent – Amaroo Crescent
- Draft (revised) Mosman Art Collection and Public Art Policies
- Harnett Avenue - Disabled Parking
- Clifton Gardens Reserve Plan of Management
- Proposed Changes to Mosman’s Development Control Plans
- Citizen of the Year 2024
- Draft Management of Open Space Policy
- Flood study for Mosman Local Government Area
- Expressions of Interest - Flood Management Community Consultative Committee
- NSW Government Housing Reforms
- Section 138/139 Roads Act 1993 Consent Application – 19 Dalton Road, Mosman
- Reid Park Playground Upgrade
- Draft (revised) MOSPLAN Delivery Program 2022-2026 (incorporating a review of the Long Term Financial Plan) and draft 2024-2025 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges
- Roundabout Upgrade Belmont/Bardwell Rds
- Section 153 Roads Act 1993 Lease Application – 9 Raglan Street, Mosman
- Noble St - Pedestrian Refuge
- BusWalk Initiative
- Mosman Resident Parking Scheme
- Rosherville Reserve and Chinamans Beach Plan of Management
- Sustainability Amendment - DCPs and Policy for Stormwater Management in Mosman
- Section 138 Roads Act Consent – Myahgah Road
- Expressions of Interest - Community Consultative Committees
- Expressions of Interest - Mosman Local Planning Panel
- Citizen of the Year 2025
- Mosman Park Plan of Management
- Outdoor Dining Application – C9 Chocolate and Gelato
- High Pedestrian Activity Areas (HPAAs) - The Esplanade and Military Road, Mosman