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Consultation has concluded
The proposed upgrade of Reid Park playground is a MOSPLAN project scheduled for completion during 2024/2025. The impetus for upgrades to this playground comes from Council’s Asset Management Plan, the last major upgrade was completed in 2005.
Additional funding will be provided through the NSW Governments Local Small Commitments Allocation (LSCA) grant program, which is aimed at helping small local projects to enhance local communities.
An initial indication of the issues and opportunities for Reid Park playground have been flagged through operational reporting and the recently updated Plan of Management. These include:
Level changes to address localised flooding,
Potential re-orientation of playground,
Upgrade of play equipment,
Renew playground fence and gates,
Predominantly sand softfall with areas of rubber for easier access, and
Improvements to pedestrian access.
Take this opportunity to have your say, provide feedback for the design and planning of this exciting new community playground by completing the online survey form by 22 March 2024. Construction is scheduled to start in early 2025.
The proposed upgrade of Reid Park playground is a MOSPLAN project scheduled for completion during 2024/2025. The impetus for upgrades to this playground comes from Council’s Asset Management Plan, the last major upgrade was completed in 2005.
Additional funding will be provided through the NSW Governments Local Small Commitments Allocation (LSCA) grant program, which is aimed at helping small local projects to enhance local communities.
An initial indication of the issues and opportunities for Reid Park playground have been flagged through operational reporting and the recently updated Plan of Management. These include:
Level changes to address localised flooding,
Potential re-orientation of playground,
Upgrade of play equipment,
Renew playground fence and gates,
Predominantly sand softfall with areas of rubber for easier access, and
Improvements to pedestrian access.
Take this opportunity to have your say, provide feedback for the design and planning of this exciting new community playground by completing the online survey form by 22 March 2024. Construction is scheduled to start in early 2025.
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