Mosman Park – Crown lands
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Consultation has concluded

Notice is given pursuant to Section 47(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 of the proposal to register a public positive covenant on Mosman Park (D500470) being Crown land identified as Lot 1 in DP 919853 on which the new Allan Border Oval Pavilion is currently being constructed. Registration of the positive covenant is a condition of development consent 8.2019.72.1 for the pavilion and relates to the management of an onsite detention/rainwater re-use system.
Submissions will be received up to and including 14 September 2023.
Further information attached:
- Draft positive covenant for Lot 1 in DP 919853
- Development consent 8.2019.72.1 dated 18 September 2019
- Plan identifying Lot 1 in DP 919853