Proposal for Resident Parking Scheme in Art Gallery Way
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Resident Parking Schemes (RPS) provides increased opportunity for residents to park their vehicles on the street adjacent to their properties by introducing period parking restrictions in residential streets and exempting eligible residents from time restrictions. Resident Parking Schemes are designed to discourage non-residents looking for long term parking in residential streets.
On 24 June 2024 Council considered a report on the Resident Parking Scheme, and resolved that Councilis to investigate the feasibility to introduceRPS on Art Gallery Way between Harbour Street and Cowles Road.
The parking surveys show high demand for the existing 10 on-street parking spaces on Art Gallery Way which satisfy the initialcriteria for implementing a Resident Parking Scheme. The introduction of a parking scheme involves imposing time restrictions in alignment with neighboring roads, and issue parking permits to eligible residents. For full information, refer to Council’s Policy:Resident Parking Scheme Policy - Adopted 6 August 2024.pdf
As part of the investigation, Council is seeking feedback and comments from the affected residents in the area.
If you have any questions about the proposed changes, please contact Senior Traffic Engineer Sam Sathanesan on 9978 4022. Submissions close 24 March 2025.
Resident Parking Schemes (RPS) provides increased opportunity for residents to park their vehicles on the street adjacent to their properties by introducing period parking restrictions in residential streets and exempting eligible residents from time restrictions. Resident Parking Schemes are designed to discourage non-residents looking for long term parking in residential streets.
On 24 June 2024 Council considered a report on the Resident Parking Scheme, and resolved that Councilis to investigate the feasibility to introduceRPS on Art Gallery Way between Harbour Street and Cowles Road.
The parking surveys show high demand for the existing 10 on-street parking spaces on Art Gallery Way which satisfy the initialcriteria for implementing a Resident Parking Scheme. The introduction of a parking scheme involves imposing time restrictions in alignment with neighboring roads, and issue parking permits to eligible residents. For full information, refer to Council’s Policy:Resident Parking Scheme Policy - Adopted 6 August 2024.pdf
As part of the investigation, Council is seeking feedback and comments from the affected residents in the area.
If you have any questions about the proposed changes, please contact Senior Traffic Engineer Sam Sathanesan on 9978 4022. Submissions close 24 March 2025.