How do I know if my organisation is eligible for a grant?

    To be eligible you must: 

    • be a registered, incorporated not-for-profit organisation or be auspiced by one 
    • have a management structure 
    • have appropriate insurance coverage 
    • operate according to relevant regulations and legislation and with sound WHS and risk management principles and practices 
    • have no outstanding debt to Council and have acquitted all previous grants 

    What is an auspice organisation and when would I need one?

    An auspice is an organisation who manages grant funding on your behalf. You would need an auspice if you are not a registered incorporated not-for-profit organisation. 

    How do I know if my project is eligible for a grant?

    To be eligible it must: 

    • progress one or more of Council’s Strategic Directions 
    • demonstrate measureable outcomes
    • benefit the Mosman community 
    • be completed within the same financial year and not require ongoing funding 
    • be inclusive of people with disabilities and those from the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community 

    Can I still apply even if I have received grants in the past?

    Yes, you can still apply. In the application form, you will need to tell us how many grants you have had over the past 5 years and what projects these were for. 

    Please remember though that you cannot expect ongoing funding from the Community Grants Program. 

    What if the project doesn’t happen or my organisation doesn’t use all of the Grant funds?

    If you need to change your project and/or how you are spending your funds, you will need to contact Council for permission first. 

    All funds that are not spent must be returned to Council. These funds should be returned to Council before or during the submission of the acquittal report. 

    When do applications close?

    11 June 2021.

    What do you mean by measureable outcomes?

    By outcome, we mean a change that has occurred in the lives of individuals, families, organisations or the community as a result of the program/project/service/event. 

    By measureable, we mean that you can express your outcome in a way that can be easily understood, for example here are a few easy ones: 

    • a percentage improvement (i.e. we saw a 4% increase in the number of people reporting satisfaction with our program) 
    • a number of people were impacted positively (i.e. we saw 6 people with disabilities access our program who had not done so before this project or 16 people reported that they had gained new skills through this program) 
    • a decrease in problems/issues (i.e. after our project there was a 3% decrease in the carbon footprint in Mosman) 

    We want measureable outcomes because it helps us assess the extent to which a program has achieved its intended results. 

    For more help on choosing measureable outcomes and easy ways to collect data for these in order to complete your project’s evaluation successfully please refer to the Evaluation Guide under the Document Library. 

    What kind of projects have been funded in the past?

    These are some of the projects that have been funded: 

    • a Community Workers' forum on prevention of domestic violence
    • resources to assist newly arrived migrants
    • youth mentoring and family early intervention program
    • school readiness program for children with disability
    • lifelong learning program at Mosman retirement villages

    What are some good ideas for projects?

    Here’s a few ideas for you: 

    • gardening workshops for improving mental health 
    • Neighbour Day celebrations for welcoming and connecting new community members 
    • patchwork quilt community classes with an emphasis on building intergenerational relationships and understanding
    • kayak classes that focus on developing skills among people with a disability and providing an opportunity for social connection 
    • a community musical event that celebrates cultural diversity and promotes inclusivity 

    Remember Council is looking for projects that have a community development focus; projects that improve the social and mental wellbeing of the Mosman community. 

    Who do I contact if I have questions?

    What supporting documentation will I need for the application?

    You will need to have the following: 

    • A letter of agreement from your auspice organisation (if applicable)
    • Project budget detailing income and expenditure (please use Budget Template in Documents Library)
    • Two quotes for capital works, resources, equipment or materials over $500 (if applicable)

    How do you assess our grant applications?

    We assess your grant applications against the following criteria: 

    • Ability of the project to meet the objectives of the Grants Program and contribute to Council’s Strategic Directions
    • The extent to which the application can demonstrate: a) a need for the project, b) the outcomes and benefits of the projects for the community and c) the ability to sustain the project or outcomes at the end of the grant period
    • Evidence of effective consultation, networking or project partnerships
    • Capacity of the organisation to undertake all aspects of the proposed project including evaluating the results
    • The extent to which the budget is comprehensive, realistic and provides value for money

    What is the maximum amount I can apply for?


    What is the minimum amount I can apply for?


    What is the likelihood of an application being funded?

    This all depends on how well your application matches the assessment criteria and how competitive the application round is. 

    When do I have to use the grant by?

    Early June 2022. 

    When is the evaluation report and acquittal of funds due?

    Early June 2022.

    Can I apply for a grant for the same project I received funding for last year?

    Applicants should not expect ongoing funding from the Community Grants Program. Deficit funding requests, for example: funding of past activities, loan repayments or operational deficits will not be eligible for funding. 

    If you are applying for funding for the same project again you will need to clearly show in your application how this funding will be used for new elements and/or another stage in this project.

    Why can’t I fill out the application form?

    You will need to register before you can fill out the application form online. The registration link should appear when you click on the button to begin the application. If it does not please contact us by emailing 

    I can’t fill out the application form online. Where can I get help?

    Please contact our Community Development Administration team on 02 9978 4233.

    Can I fill out my application over several days?

    Yes, you can. Just make sure you save your application before you log out. You can then return to the application when you want to. Please make sure you submit it before the closing date though. 

    Will you accept late applications?

    No, we will not accept late applications. 

    Can I talk to someone about my project idea?

    Yes, that is possible. In the first instance, please email us on link) and a staff member will get in touch with you.