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Community Grants Evaluation Form 2024/25

Welcome to the evaluation page for Mosman Council Community Grants Program 2024/25. You will find all the information you need for your evaluation here.

Please refer to our Community Grant Application and Document Library for key documents you will need to read before applying.

As part of the evaluation you will also need to upload an Income and Expenditure Report. We also welcome stories and photos sharing details of the impact your project has had within the community.

If you still have questions after reading these, please contact the Community Development Administration team.


Phone (02) 9978 4233 

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Capacity Building
Increased our capacity to engage with other services in the Mosman community sector
Resulted in our organisation engaging in ongoing collaboration with other community organisations
Enabled us to gain new ideas and strategies for identifying and engaging other priority people or communities or issues in our area
Enhanced our organisation's and members' connections with other people, other services or organisations
Enhanced our members' skills or knowledge to meet the needs of our community or their own needs
Improved our members' acceptance of difference and diversity in our community
Increased our members' participation in community activities or community life
Contributed to our members' health and/or wellbeing
Strategic Directions
In your application you identified the Council’s Strategic Directions your project would help progress. Here is a list of all of them: • A Caring and Inclusive Community • A Culturally Rich and Vibrant Community • An Attractive and Sustainable Environment • An Informed and Engaged Community • A Business-Friendly Community with Sound, Independent Civic Leadership • Well Designed, Liveable and Accessible Places • A Healthy and Active Village Lifestyle We would like to know how successful your project has been in relation to these Strategic Directions. Please answer the questions below (you will need to get some of this information from your members or participants).
Participants feel more connected to the Mosman community
There is increased vibrancy of cultural life in Mosman for audiences, artists and the wider community
Participants are more informed about sustainable practices
Participants are more informed about our community and more confident to engage in its activities
Participants find activities, events and programs in the community are more accessible
Participants have an improved sense of wellbeing
Process Evaluation - Continuous Improvement
Ease of finding information about the grants
The application form and process for submitting
The availability of staff for answering queries
The evaluation report for your grant
21.   By ticking this box I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information included in this Evaluation Form is correct and that the funds received from Mosman Council have been expended in accordance with the grant application and Council guidelines.* required

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