What is Council's vision?
- Provide improved facilities for the Mosman community, including new library, art gallery, community facilities, public domain improvements, administration offices and additional public car parking.
- Adhere to planning controls for building height and floor space ratio contained in Mosman Local Environmental Plan 2012.
- Be financially positive as a result of the redevelopment of some land within the site for residential and retail use.
New community facilities
New community facilities would likely include additional public car parking, a contemporary high quality library, purpose-built art gallery, multi-purpose community spaces for youth and seniors, customer friendly and efficient administration offices and Council Chambers. The high levels of visitation to the existing Mosman library and art gallery reinforces that these are priority facilities for our community. Relocating Mosman's regional art gallery
to the Civic Centre site would ensure its prominence and connection with the library and parking. New facilities
would be designed to be flexible to respond to possible changes in Council structures and staffing, as required.
Activation and Beautification of Public Ground Spaces – click for larger image
Activation and Beautification of Public Ground Spaces
Height and Density of development
Traffic flow around local road network
Significantly Increased Public Parking
additional 200 underground public car parking spaces would be provided as part of any new development on the site, and be accessed from The Crescent. The community has identified the need to increase the provision of public car parking.
Vista and Open Space – Green shows open space network and trees
Vista and Open Space
Vibrancy and vitality
Heritage items (red) and Military Rd and The Crescent Conservation Areas (dashed line)
terraces could open up with cafes and shops taking advantage of new pedestrian activity. The rights-of-carriageway
these terraces currently enjoy over the site would be considered further in the detailed planning stage.
Financial responsibility to community
any plan must be financially responsible. To fund the cost of new community facilities and ensure that redevelopment is cash positive to Council, part of the site would need to be redeveloped for residential and retail use. Preliminary consideration has identified that the eastern portion of the site (i.e. the current location of the Library and Library Walk) would be suitable for redevelopment for residential and ground floor retail use. This could also occur
elsewhere on the site. The location of this development would be the subject of detailed planning and design, following this public consultation. It is Council’s intention to retain a large portion of the site in public ownership.